Using How Buy premium , register and download
Using, How to Download ?
First, You click page center, red circle part the "Free Download".
(It is displayed in a larger size by clicking on the image
Count is offset, and wait until it becomes zero.
(In the case of continuous download, wait count is longer.)
Then, click the red circle part the "Download starten", you can download either "open" or "save" the file in question.
※ To enable you to use in a more comfortable environment, we recommend the purchase of premium.
If it is possible to buy a premium, it will enable sustained high-speed download without waiting time.
How to buy, how to register premium
First, I click to purchase premium.
Then, I select the period of premium page center, to purchase.
It is payable, such as WebMoney or visa / master card.
Here, you will one month premium period, the payment method in the visa / master card.
First, I click the red circle part the "Bestellen & aktivieren".
(It is displayed in a larger size by clicking on the image)
Then, I select the period of premium page center, to purchase.
It is payable, such as WebMoney or visa / master card.
Here, you will one month premium period, the payment method in the visa / master card.
First, I click the red circle part the "Bestellen & aktivieren".
(It is displayed in a larger size by clicking on the image)
Then, I select the payment methods page center, to purchase.
First, I click the red circle part a "visa / master card".
Then, it will be the e-mail address input screen, enter your e-mail address in the space, please click the red circle part "Bestellen".
This input not the person you have an account already, you are logged in, go to the next screen.
Then, enter the mobile phone number in order to identification in the SMS.
I want the japan among the choices of frame.
I will enter the mobile phone number to +81 below.
At this time, I am excluding the first 0 of the number 090. (Example: 09012345678 → 9012345678)
Please click the red circle part "weiter" When you have entered.
Then, enter the PIN code that is written there because mail reach the mobile phone, please click the red circle part "weiter".
Then, since go to customer information input screen, please enter your blank.
After entering all, I click the red circle part "Bezahlvorgang abschliesen".
※ Please rest assured that not automatic continuation purchase even if the credit purchase.
By the way address because it is all right even if it is not accurate, those who do not want to type you can buy when you enter the aaa.
Then, since you have entered the screen of visa / master card, please enter your blank.
After entering all, I click the "complete purchase" check red circle part, to the terms.
Then, enter the password of visa / master card, click red circle part "Send".
Purchase is complete go to the receipt screen. After, e-mail purchase confirmation will be sent to the email address that you registered.
Is available if you log in ID and Password that arrived.
※ To enable you to use in a more comfortable environment, we recommend the purchase of premium.
If it is possible to buy a premium, it will enable sustained high-speed download without waiting time.
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